Individual donations, large and small, help support the valuable work of the Penn FTD Center. If you would like to make a donation to Penn FTD Center in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone who has supported your journey with frontotemporal degeneration, your donation would be gratefully received.
Online Donations
Donations can be accepted online at our Penn Frontotemporal Degeneration Center Gift Fund.
Check Donations
Check donations are accepted. Checks should be made out to the "Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania". The "Penn FTD Center" should be clearly indicated in the memo line.
Check Donations can be mailed to:
35353 Market Street
Suite 750
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Attention: Paige O' Malley
Would you like to support our yearly Caregiver Conference or Familial Conference? Please include "Penn FTD Center Caregiver Conference" or "Penn FTD Center Familial Conference" in your memo.
Questions Regarding Donations
For all questions regarding donations, please contact Paige O'Malley, the Senior Associate Director of Development at Penn Medicine Development & Alumni Relations.
Phone Number: 215-898-0578